Earth Citizens gather with one mind sharing the common cause to recover humanity's character for a healthier and happier world.

100 Million Earth Citizens?
100 million Earth Citizens would comprise 1% of Earth’s population of introspective and harmonised citizens, leading holistically sustainable lives, forming a community that is a positive and indispensable asset to the Earth and society.
Through the principle of critical mass and taking in consideration the map of consciousness, the 1% of elevated consciousness could change the planet and society’s trajectory and significance.

Earth Citizen
I am an Earth Citizen who loves and cherishes all humans and all life, as someone who has found my value and recovered my character.
I am an Earth Citizen who contributes to making a healthy and happy family and a peaceful community.
I am an Earth Citizen who lives for an Earth Village where all of humankind lives as one family beyond nationality, race and religion.
I am an Earth Citizen who acts to protect and restore the global ecosystem so that the earth recovers its original beauty and vitality.
I am an Earth Citizen who takes part in the work for the evolution of the human consciousness and the advent of a new era of civilisation on earth.
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